Saturday, March 19, 2011

Special article: Super Moon

Seriously not the Sun but the Supermoon

A supermoon, in astrology is a full or new moon that coincides with a close approach by the Moon to the Earth. The Moon's distance varies each month between approximately 354,000 km (220,000 mi) and 410,000 km (254,000 mi). This can be said as the Moon's perihelion where it is closest to Earth

Coined By: Richard Nolle in 1979, an astrologer.
'Supermoon' term is not widely accepted by astronomers or scientists or used within the astronomy or scientific community, who prefer the term perigee-syzygy.
Full Moon

Since the Moon will be closest to the Earth during the occurrence of 'Supermoon', there will be effect of gravity on the oceans and seas. The Tides are greatest when the Moon is full or during a New Moon. Thus being nearest, it will increase the height of the tides.

These are the dates of Supermoon occurrences recorded.

  1. November 10, 1954
  2. November 20, 1972
  3. January 8, 1974
  4. February 26, 1975
  5. December 2, 1990
  6. January 19, 1992
  7. March 8, 1993
  8. January 10, 2005
  9. December 12, 2008
  10. January 30, 2010
  11. March 19, 2011
  12. November 14, 2016
  13. January 2, 2018
  14. January 21, 2023
  15. November 25, 2034
  16. January 13, 2036
Relation with disasters: Superstitions make people believe that many devastating disasters are caused because of the 'Supermoon'. But it is a mere co-incidence. On 24th of December, 2004 a Tsunami struck the Indian Ocean and it countries which was caused by a 9.1 magnitude earthquake. 2 weeks later, on January 10th, 2005 a Supermoon occurred.
 A week before, Japan was sunk by a Tsunami, and just a week later, here it is again. And all news channels discussing about the connection between the supermoon and the disasters. But, according to scientific calculations and logic, these two are not inter-linked.


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