Found anything amazing?
I’ll tell you what is amazing in this. Observe the center of the square as the big circles move in. The square seems full right? Now observe any one big circle as it moves on a side of the square. Its incomplete right? Know why this happens?
Ans: When you look at the center of the square, the brain tries to fill the square and tries to make it look complete though its incomplete without ‘you’ realizing it.
These “fish” may appear to be wiggling, but the only thing changing in this animation is the color.
The illusion in this is that the flat surface seems to move. This is because of a certain pattern of white and pink coloured flowers. This makes a wave kind of motions which fools our mind and makes our brain think that the surface is moving. The surface can also be imagined as a floor of the swimming pool. The same happen when you look down.
The line doesn’t look straight? Its abrupt? No, not at all. The line is completely straight. It seems to be slanting because of the difference of arrangement of white and black boxes or squares. You can make your own this way.
This will amaze you. The lines that can be seen are straight. Its hard to believe it.
This happens because our brain tries to analyze the whole figure as a 3D figure because the blocks are 3D. So it seems that the whole image is 3D but its 2D.
This man is actually bigger than the bottle. He isn’t standing on the cap, but on the floor itself.
Both the figures the are 2D. But the cube looks 3D because i have joined the three planes or 3 axes viz. x , y, z.
The world we see is in 3D. therefore, our brain tries to imagine everything in 3D. Therefore anything that looks, feels like 3D is imagined as a 3D object by our brain. What if i asked you to imagine even the time axis, i.e 4th dimension? You cant even think of it right? Its the same explanation from above. We haven’t seen the 4th dimension. Therefore, we cant imagine it.
Many other optical illusions.

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