Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Uses of gravity

Gravitational force is needed a lot. We depend on gravity for many things.

  1. We are able to stand on the Earth's surface only because of gravity. The Gravitational force keeps us bound to the Earth's surface and does not let us escape to vacuum though rockets have enough power to do so. Gravity varies from place to place.
  2. The fluids in our body are right in their places because gravity holds them.
  3. The muscles in our body can be made stronger only because of gravity.
  4. The Sun, Moon, Earth and celestial objects are in the orbits only because of gravity.
  5. The satellites which are supposed to reach far away planets like Uranus, Jupiter etc use the centripetal force exerted by the gravity to gain momentum and travel farther distances.
  6. The light from a distant planet is bent by the gravity of a celestial object which helps us to calculate the distance of the Star.
  7. A stellar system with a planet can be found out using Doppler effect which works on Gravity.


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