Synthetic elements are those which do not occur naturally in on Earth. They are made by a procedure called as Nuclear Fusion and is called as bombardment in this process. Its is called as bombarding because some elements are made by colliding a different elements but most of them are made by fusion of an α particle with the nucleus of the previous element.
α + Lithium = Boron
α + Lithium = Boron
Bombarding: The process of bombarding is very simple. The atom to bombarded is kept in front of an α emitter which emits α particles. The high energy and velocity particle fuse with the nucleus of the element and increase its atomic number by 2 and mass number by 4. To obtain an element with even number of protons/neutrons and element with even number of protons/neutrons is taken. Example: curium, with 96 protons in its nucleus, can be bombarded by high-energy helium ions, each containing two protons along with two neutrons, to yield californium with 98 protons in its nucleus.
Similarly odd numbered element for odd number of protons/neutrons.
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